今早翻开报章,看到了昨天的成绩放榜日。。看到了我穿这浅青的衣,兴奋的样子。。大家都上报了^^ * 很抱歉[sheau mean]和[水妙]。。当时高兴过头了,高举手时,挡了她们。。T.T
今天,是2008 年的最后一天,我没出去玩一玩。在家庆祝也不见得是件坏事 : )
今天的心情,好像还在昨日。。蛮high 的。。哈哈。。XD
2008 年 ,我...
~比2007年,笑得多,快乐的多, 流泪得少。。。我懂事了 :)
~有了新梦想,有了新理想,开始觉得自己有目标了。。。我开始为将来打算 ^^
~对音乐没改变,但爱得更多。。希望能学更多乐器。。今年学上了小提琴 ^^
~开了个新部落格。。。想说的话都把心坎给弄宽了。。。 :)
~国语进步多! 谢谢 irene teacher , mr chin and thomas wee XD (懂得感恩! ^^)
2008 年,我成功地度过了! 难关。。。苦功。。。一分一秒。。永远都会刻在心头^^
谢谢你们的照顾。。虽然有时妈和姨罗嗦了点,爸有时凶了点,家务多了点。。。但是家人还是家人。。我还是那么的爱你们^^ 家,永远是温暖的象征。。永远我想去住的地方。。。希望2009年,我和你们健康,快乐,平安过个快乐年。。。
谢谢你们,在2008年,初三年,最辛苦的一年,让我觉得一点都辛苦。。每一天在学校过的日子,我都是开心的。。。真的。。。我学会快乐。。领悟到快乐是人生的一部分。。有了你们,我开始学会玩疯。。开始认识友谊的真。。。开始认识这一般那么可爱的[婆子]!! 最后,谢谢你们在我2008的生活,贴上快乐的句点。。你们的包容,支持与鼓励,我永远会记得的。。。爱死你们!!! XD
谢谢你们愿意走入我的生活, 愿意留在我的生活。。。希望你们在新的一年,心想事成! 我们友谊永固!! love u all !! XD
谢谢你们在2008年 ,走进我的人生。。。让我的人生,增贴了色彩。。。^^ 希望在新的一年里,我们彼此更懂得对方。。。加油! :)
《Today is the end of the year 2008 but every end is a new beginning. May we reconcile with our past and let any of our past mistakes be our motivations to strive for success in 2009 . So before the fireworks are lit and up in the sky , i wish you all a very HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR and success in everything you do ^^ take care and may God bless you :) 》
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by 沁薇. at 8:27 PM 6 smilies = )
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
这一天终于到了,从朋友口中得知29th , 然后 24th之后,终于在报章上看到了这号码-30th。。。昨晚,在床上翻了几个转,看了看时钟, 已是三点钟。心中,哪怕还是担心着,成绩的答案。。。
一个不安心的夜晚,闹得我又疲倦,又累。。。八点多,我起身了。。梳洗后,吃着早餐,还是一样的紧张。。。所以,喝了milo ,就和【婷】一块在家外等【琬】载我们到学校领成绩。。。哈。。【婷】说她不紧张,可她和我一样,不停地讨论着成绩的问题。。哈哈。。她说她告诉了她的妈妈,要是她得了8A , 就抱着她,得了7A,就玩电脑,6A就坐在电视前面,5A..我忘了。。。XD ...4A一下,躲进了房内。。。别找她。。呵呵。。
手表显示了9.45+am , 【琬】来了。。。在车上,她还帮我们弄潮上紧张的气氛。。。她说昨天在吉隆坡目击了自杀案。。。OMG! :-X 到了学校,正是10am..我们太准时了。。XD 到学校旁的释迦院拜一拜,求个安定。
进了学校,我买了书,【斐】也来了。。。太阳的热度把我们的紧张都烧没了。。。等了好久,我们才看到校长驾着她的车进了学校。。啊~有紧张了。。哈哈。。。11.45 pm +,我们一同进了礼堂,【婆子们】也到齐了。。。嘴里头,含着的字儿,都能清晰听见‘很怕’这词儿。。。
老师们安定好次序,我们坐在礼堂里,不出声了。。。校长说了几句话,她说她很欣慰,虽然我们只有53人得全A..唉。。当初说的数目,我们实现不了。。。历史性的时刻到了, 老师已编号的排法,谁得了8A , 就到台上拍照, 领取成绩。。第一位是我们的班长!!! 念上了名字 ‘Cassandra ' ...全场欢呼了,掌声也不吝啬地响了起来。。接着接着。。。到我的编号去了!! 'see yong xian' ....‘请别跳过我的名字!!~求求你!!~’ 一万个希望在那一瞬间,涌了出来。。。‘SIAH SIN WEI'! ....天啊!! 我做到了!!! 我跑上了台, 掌声在那一刻想起了。。【婆子】为我喊上的欢呼声,更是难以忘记。。。跟校长握了手,拍了照。。冲进台后,大伙儿一起祝贺,大伙儿一起尖叫,大伙儿一起拥抱。。。大伙儿一同哭泣了。。。。我哭不出。。当时的喜悦,将眼泪框塞了。。眼泪不该掉的~ XD 在台上的那刻,我打去了家。。在电话里头,还听见了尖叫声。。哈哈。。。
记者为我们拍了三张照片,最后一张叫我们以快乐跳跃拍下。。。我心里真的很开心。。为上次的遗憾,画上了完美的句点。。为我付出的努力,得到了代价。。。下了台,家长们也到来祝贺。。【滢洁】也冲下了台,和她的妈妈拥抱。。。好温暖。。我的心酸了下, 父母没在,我没法和他们分享出最快乐的那一分,那一秒,那一刻。。。拿了三张sijil , 我还是那么的high , 不停地尖叫。。哈哈。。。大家都以为我疯了。。。【婆子们】也得了不错的成绩。。。【krystal】也因她没预料到的成绩,留下了喜悦的泪。。。
叫了【zhi yang】载我,【琬】和【婷】回家。。在车上,【琬】打给了【irene】。。。"teacher! i am yi woan ..i got A for my BM!! ""teacher ! i m sin wei..err..siah ! i also got A for my BM!! ""teacher ! i m zhi kiong... " 老师回了他:"who is this??" 我们笑翻了。。哈哈。。。"teacher , we love you!!~ teacher ! thanks!!!! "哈哈。。。我想,老师也笑了。。。老师还不停的问我们其他人的成绩。。。
回到了家,姨抱着我,亲了我的脸颊。。还记得,上次四年级得了全国演讲比赛冠军,姨也是酱亲我的。。好多年了。。哈哈。。。大家欢呼了下下。。。我有归回我的岗位。。做家务去了。。。=.=" 之后,【婆子们】计划晚上7pm到 Wings 去狂庆祝。。可【琪】没到,妈妈不给。。。T.T
姐载我到那已是8pm..haha..*paiseh*...在那里,我们不停的聊。。。好久都没酱了。。我们又CLOSE 了^^在 Wings 点歌,男生唱,可我们点了S.H.E. 的 老婆 和 爱呢? 。。。可他们没唱。。哈哈。。11pm , 大伙 7个人一同坐上了【琬】的车回家去。。哈哈。。挤得我们。。辛苦及了。。【楚】和【婷】不停说什么 "我很卡。。"怪怪的字眼。。哈哈。。可我们好开心。。【琬】的爸还不停地问我们到底有没有带 I.C...haha..警察叔叔看到。。就遭了。。。XD
《PMR 成绩终于放榜了。。。
p/s : 现在,心情轻松多了。。好像才可以好好放个假。。可。。。要开学了!!! =.="
Posted by 沁薇. at 3:30 PM 5 smilies = )
Sunday, December 28, 2008
很快的 ,假期生活就要结束了 。。。和婆子分开的日子,也慢慢的开始习惯成自然。。。但是 ,心中还是那么地想和她们一起见面 。。。还记得大家一起快乐的时候。。。癫 的时候。。。如今 ,大家一块玩msn...说的话题也不多了 。。。要说的,也不知道要讲什么了。。大家陌生了吗 ??
明天,是【三八婆】的大寿。。约在了carrefour..可是明天,我不能去,该帮帮【姨】做家事。。唉。。日子就刚刚好在明天。。。T.T 还真的有点对不起【三八婆】。。。不管怎样,我还是会祝你有个快乐的生日!也刚好在明天,是我小学聚会的日子。。。一年就有那么一次。。我也去不了。。。天啊~大家干嘛把庆典都放在明天?? 欢迎 PMR 成绩的到来??? T.T
假期。。我就那么的浪费了。。。每天,就只是把‘闷’ 填满了假期的空位。。。现在,才开始要做自己想做的东西。。未免也太迟了。。。当初做 ‘婆子歌’ 。。做完了。。大家也不就是个五分钟热度。。我想自己有个自己的歌,也因懒惰 ,而不干去了。。。现在回想,要是我好好利用时间,充分下下,或许我已经做了几首歌出来了。。。唉。。。纳闷~~
好久,都没看看清晨的天空。。凉爽的天气。。清醒的空气。。就像【晶】说的,假期后,好久都没早起身。。在我们四周围的东西,都忽略了。。因为我们把它们都当成理所当然。。。也或许,大自然的美,我们永远都把它当成是永久的 。。。
现在,该收拾好懒惰的身躯。。。空荡的思想,迎接我接下来的挑战。。或许,比之前的要艰难多。。。或许,我克服不了。。也或许这比我想象中还要难。。但我知道,我再也不可以像初三那样,玩疯 ,闹癫。。该有个心。。停顿下来,集中每句在课堂的话, 做我的责任 ,得到美好的未来。。。我知道,有一天,我会完成我的梦想~!
每次想做的事,就在假期,给回了个 ‘算了’ 。。。
但我会尽力的 !》
Posted by 沁薇. at 2:41 PM 5 smilies = )
Thursday, December 25, 2008
**~ Merry Christmas ^^ ~**
guess what? no celebration -.-
no christmas tree as i thought..hot chocolate..present..Santa's hat...
yesterday , was silent night...
it is Christmas eve'..
my friends all went to Portugese village and have countdown...
well...i would like to go but somehow...it really traffic jam there when night..
so..'poof'! my dream vanished 0.o
i have my holy and silent night whole day in the house..
sweep floor mop floor was the activities i having yesterday =.="
well..its ok ...it had been good years my christmas like this..
this year not different... *sob*
guess...wat really means silent night??
having fun , counting down...welcome the merry christmas??
my house went in dark last night!!!!
after 12am...i had joy and fun with my siblings..no celebration..
the only 1 for us to have joy was TV!
watching those movies...out of sudden~ 'pom!'
my house went in dark..
and it is a power failure =.=
no tv....can't sleep...everything went in opposite~~~~>
white christmas--- black christmas * so dark -.-
hot chocolate------ i wish to have a cold 1 that moment *ish~~~``
present ----------- no light...santa droped mine! XD
cold christmas----- warm and hot christmas !
what i wish for christmas-----all change to ' i want air-con now!!!'
well , the one which didnt change was ...silent night...
it remain silent and ...it is really silent dark night T.T
my family all naggy ..'WE WAN LIGHT! WE WAN AIR-CON~~~'
my aunt even start to mad and wanted to scream..haha~``
after 2.00pm..the electrcity recovered..and that made me tired and fall asleep...
well , christmas doesn't meant to have presents...
last night i got many wishes from my friends..that is warm enough ^^ * of cuz warm..no electric ..lol..
even compete with my friend and see whether who is the first to send msg for each others
i won~^^ so what?? no present..
`` The dark clouds disappoint me , as i see no shiny stars across the night .But i know as long my wish is sincere enough , nothing stops it . I wish upon the star with faith and hope , that We'll be the truest friend forever .And somehow i know, santa hears me and i am geting the precious gift.On this holy and silent night , i cherish my memories of miracles , and of course , it includes our friendship .So i wish you a merry christmas and happy new year .May our wishes come to life . ``
this is the nicest wishes i ever had ^^
this is really nice wishes i get ^^
merry christmas ~^^
althought there is not santa...no wishing star ,
but i know , as long my wish is sincere enough , nothing can stop it ^^
wish u having a merry christmas ~
be happy and merry...
and of course , may ur dreams and hope come to life...
may christmas brings u joy and peace ^^》
Posted by 沁薇. at 3:28 PM 10 smilies = )
Sunday, December 21, 2008
PMR 成绩也将在后天的平安夜揭晓 (好残酷 )
二十多天没见, 一回到家,
晚上,我们全家人也到了好世界,吃个geng 的晚餐~
欢迎回家 ^^
Posted by 沁薇. at 2:46 PM 14 smilies = )
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Bella's Lullaby ( Twilight )
“ 爱上了 Twilight ,爱上了它的曲子~ ”
* 本人闲中取乐 ,来这头献丑献丑。。。别见怪 XD
如果很慢或是 lag , 可在这网址看看 (有点不要脸 XD ):
Posted by 沁薇. at 6:23 PM 26 smilies = )
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
working day
yesterday was monday ,it means christmas gonna coming in 9 more days...*y am i so excited?* well , i guess this year's christmas gonna be like last year ...no celebration..[krys] gonna have it in church well [wen] gonna have it at A'famosa...[po zis] miss up again ...ishh! n some more...christmas getting nearer means that my pmr result gonna closer too! poor [kryz]..result out that day is her 15th birthday..haha...
yesterday , 1 of the worker in newton ( my dad's shop ) didn't get to work , so my sis and i went down to there n have some helps there...ishh! almost 1 year i had not been working at there...and it had been a nightmare for me -.-" we reached there about nearly 1 pm...and got shock man! too many people...=.=" and sure ..we will blur..XD
luckily , my sis still knw how to master the computer...and she knw well the name of cigarrette...phew...so i am just an asistant at there..haha....taking minerals water...cut fruits..serve people...bt that's is enough ! about 2pm , i went to mp and bought 2 sets of mc' chicken..brought back to newton..and u guess?? we 4pm just have lunch !!! 0.o well...that's fine...our french fries ady cold and not delicious..our coca-cola-s no gas at all =.=" so we just had our burger as well...
working is not fun at all actually...u have to serve those people...in halal-sections...all were malays somemore..! u have to knw that 'teh ais'...is actually 'teh tarik ais'...when they say 'oren' ..u gonna ask 'biasa oren' atau 'f&n' ?? ..then they ask somemore! 'tak da fresh oren kah?!'..omg...can't u see it urself =.=" 'tak da cik...kami guna mesin..dalam tong-tong tu..' ' oh , macam tu..boleh lah~'....some of them when step in counter just thinking of what to drink..and this! makes trafic jam! =.=! well...some of them were bringing all family members along...rush to the counter...and just start to ask ..' awk nak minum ape??' 'cepat la'.....omg 0.0.....
i love to serve English people very well...they are really really really polite ! like yesterday , i cut the fruits for 1 women frm england i think...wosh~ she keep said "thank you very much " with sweetest smile...and , their english is really really nice to be hear..haha...my sis too....
working is about life for future ...and it really mean to communication...and ur manners...working is fun sometimes to know about people...i guess...i knw..haha...i met a lot different kinds of people...some too polite...keep saying 'thank you' , 'sorry'..some even think that this is what u actually need to do..well some like he think that u r his mind-reader...just keep pointing n mouth close -.-" some malays knw chinese well! yesterday i speak mandarin with a malay who speak mandarin very well! XD
about 7 pm , my dad brought me home and left my sis at counter....what to do ?? no worker..and i dunno how to master as well...* i knw but too slow T.T* poor jie..haha..this morning, she went again too..well , i stay at here to post blog Xd hehe....sorry , is help my mum do housework ^^
《working is hardly...
so study as well as u can now...
u will find that , u will like study life more than working..ishh
who like to work?!》
Posted by 沁薇. at 1:03 PM 15 smilies = )
Saturday, December 13, 2008
caught twilight ^^
today , i went out with my lovely friends [cass , pei lin , siok , low ,miaw, yong xian and eddryll]..actually , it might be more friends , but i am late..ishh! 2pm , but i came 4pm =.=" *transport problem again*
on the way , traffic jam jam jam...gosh! how come??pc fair?? anyway , i brought myself to dataran at 'igloo' shop walking all alone..quite scary 0.o reach there,*actually , i dont knw where is the shop is , luckily [low] shouted my name..haha...*, saw all of them except [cass n siok]...seeing all of them eating ice-cream , i guess they r hungry ..haha...then , [yong xian n eddryll] brought me to buy bags...actually , that was [yong xian]'s promise...but how dare i take a free bag frm a person ??somemore , there is no need for him to buy for me since i m just joking...but then , i went along..gosh~ haha..they brought me to a shop that i guess it earlier...hmm...not really i like though..but tat [yong xian] keep forcing me in front of tat shop..really make the workers thought that we are sort of crazy..haha.."i want addidas" that is the words that i can let him get away frm forcing me buying bags..haha* addidas's bag exp la* so , we back to 'igloo' n went with them n by the time , [cass n siok] was there...
we made our way to cinema at carrefour..1 floor by 1 floor...n tat [yong xian] keep seeing those shops selling bags~haha...* serious huh??* n before the floor of cinema , he saw one! gosh =.=" same type of bags like just now ...we went to cinema , took tickets , took photos...gossip~~~ and it just 4.35pm ( the movie started at 5.10pm) ..so we went down n have some shopping...sure for that , that [yong xian] pulled me in the shop tat he saw just now 0.0 well..i went in..really see it seriously...but really dont have the one i really like..so i m out..but then , he still force n force ..and at last! one of the worker in the shop thought we pai-seh buying bags n clothes..she went to my face n say 'dont pai-seh la..let's see some clothes here '...GOSH! ...[yong xian] added somemore.."nonono~ she wanna buy bags ^^" ....-.-!!...really make me embarrassed enough T.T i swear i m not going to step in the shop ever XD
5.00pm, its the time n we find our seats in cinema ...[low] n [yong xian] fighting for seats somemore..haha..we watched -TWILIGHT-...OMG! this is the perfect movie ever !!!! how i wish the edward is mine..haha...i guess..no boy can better than edward (i mean in the movie )..he is so ...omg..how to say....he is really care for his loves one...althought he is a vampire (good vampire)..haha....well, Bella is the pretty character in the movie ! really..so sweet..n lovely....*awwwww * n she is lucky that she found her loves one..*althought is a vampire* but a good vampire ...that can protect her whole life...haizzZZ....love is really blind , powerful n yet wonderful...what i wanna say is..if u not yet catch this movie..u better get it now~ if not , u should regret for it ..haha*seriously*...
2 hours for this movie...it almost dark out there...[yong xian n eddryll] backed n i follow the rest of them..before going for dinner..i met a friend..i guess..she looking at me with an werid eyes n me either..i keep thinking of who she is...i guess she was too...then i just realize that she is my dancing friend...hope to meet u again..i suppose to say it next time..haha..^^ we went down floors by floors...n looking for delicious food...ha..they stop at mc'donald..i think this is the delicious for everyone *bala ba ba ba, i m loving it ^^* i didn't eat ..cause i m going..about 8.15pm something , i left n went to mp , bought breads n back newton to have dinner...
《today is kinda relaxing day..
since i going out to catch some air..haha..
well , twilight !yes!!! i wait to watch this movie pretty long time..
u should watch it..seriously!~
n thanks to my friends who accompany me hanging out today ..
fun one ^^
n the bags promise..haha...
i really don't like bags actually..
i suppose i have another present for my christmas ^^》
" When you can live forever?
What do you live for? "
Posted by 沁薇. at 10:52 PM 23 smilies = )
Friday, December 12, 2008
01.你叫什麼: 沁薇
02.你的綽號: 阿嬷(被肯定)-认识我的有些还不知道我的真名 T.T `` sot 婆 (婆子取的)=.="``肥婆(我妈叫的) o.o
03.你的血型: 不知道 -oooOOOOOoooH~ ^^
04.你的星座: 金牛座 taurus
05.你的性別: 男的 (希望我是) XD
06.你的年齡: 15 吧。。可有人讲我90+岁了。。=.="
07.你住哪裡: 玛琳再也
08.你的學校: 雅佳美浪中学
09.有無手機: 有
10.手機號碼: 016-6xxxx0x
11.最要好的朋友: [婆子] ,班友,钢琴班友。。很多叻。。。
12.最討厭的人: 那个咯! 还要问!!我知道你懂。。。^^
13.你最正的女性友人: 正??我想我认识的几乎都是歪的。。XD
14.你最帥的男性友人: 都不错啦^^
15.什麼樣的女生你最討厭: 做作 , 爹声爹气 ,骄傲,讲人坏话!
16.什麼樣的男生你最討厭: 马虎,讲脏话,肮脏,婆马
17.你的好朋友有誰: 我认识的,都是好朋友^^
18.你經常和哪位朋友出去: [婆子] 吧
19.你身邊最憨的朋友: 婆子咯。。哈哈
20.你身邊最可愛的朋友: 嘉欣``穗雯``彩婷``佩琪
21.有沒有喜歡的人: 有! 没有啦。。好啦好啦。。有咯。。。sry!是没有。。=.=
22.如果有,她/他的名字是: 我写了,你不就知道。。才不讲叻。。。
23.如果沒有,你希望什麼時候有: 不要太老时,虽然我是阿嬷了。。哈哈!
24.目前為止,你跟多少人告白過: 告白?? 1个吧。。好久咯。。。( 不懂事 == )
25.目前為止,你被多少人告白過: 7...=.="
26.你交過多少男女朋友: —
27.你現在有另一伴嗎: 有才告诉你啦。。^^
28.你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會: 习惯了。。现在的人都流行酱玩的啊~ XD
29.你的初戀情人跟你告白妳會接受嗎: 会吧。。 到时候看咯。。
30.你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: ' like ' is blind..no reason..haha
31.你跟你另一伴牽手過嗎: 很像讲到我很老酱。。我都还没经历这些啦。。。
32.你跟你另一伴擁抱或親吻過嗎: 我只对我的枕头酱做。。呵呵
33.你跟異性牽手過嗎: 蛮多的也。。幼稚园时,都是酱牵的啊。。可我忘了他们的名字 =.=
34.(承上)是誰?與你關係: 是我笨吗?? 我怎么看不懂的??
35.現在有人追你嗎: 有吧。。记得那天我才跟他们一起玩追追^^等下再看要不要玩咯。。
36.如果有天好友離你而去你會怎樣: 是旅行吗?我会叫她买纪念品给我咯~
37.如果有天好友背叛你你會怎樣: 我相信,我的好友不会酱做^^
38.如果好友對你喜新厭舊了你會怎樣: 假设性的问题,我答够了。。=.=!
39.如果你受不了父母,會離家出走嗎: 出了,去你家??
40.你上課認真嗎: 哈。。我梦得入神叻~
41.你上課都在做什麼: 发梦咯,讲话咯。。。
42.你功課好不好: 还好吧
43.你打開電腦都在做什麼:msn``blog``friendster``photoz``musicz``my icon``i say
44.你的即時通有多少個同性: huh??
45.你的即時通有多少個異性: huh??
46.傳給你這份問卷是: mhprince
47.這個人對你好不好: 好!~
48.這個人是你的誰: 朋友啦。。。
49.你有喜歡過這個人嗎: 什么叫喜欢过??现在还是喜欢哪~(朋友关系)
50.你們認識多久: 从小学到现在
51.這是一個怎麼樣的人: cool cool,疯狂yoga迷,有性格!
52.這個人帥/正嗎: 帅!
53.這個人有沒有喜歡過你: 我不懂叻~ XD
54.這個人有沒有跟你在一起過: 有啊~
55.萬一你喜歡這個人你會怎麼辦: 万一??都喜欢了啊~ 可没到告白程度啦~(喜欢人不需要讲的^^ 行动不就好了。。。^^)
56.說到正妹你會想到誰: 很多叻。。要认识,跟我讲…………可电话号码保密 :X
57.說到帥哥你會想到誰: ..帅哥?? 娱乐报都有很多啊~
58.說到憨你會想到誰: 婆子组合~
59.說到白癡你會想到誰: 我咯。。。-.-
60.說到暗戀你會想到誰: *空*
61.說到愛出去玩你會想到誰: 每个人都想出去玩哪~你要我讲??!
62.說到聰明鬼你會想到誰: 斐
63.說到傻子你會想到誰: 我想没有人比我傻。。。T.T
64.說到笑點低你會想到誰: krystal , woon...
65.說到愛笑你會想到誰: 婉欣,滢洁,巧盈和琳缘
66.你的班導是誰: 初三:‘养小脚’ (yong siow kiok)*cantonese speak
67.你的座位是第幾排第幾個: 初三:第4排中间
68.你最喜歡的老師是誰: irene
69.你的英文好嗎: okok lo..我会说“hello , i am ama,nice to meet you.."你说好吗??
70.你的體育好嗎: okay
71.你的數學好嗎: 不错^^
72.你喜歡你們校長嗎: 每天不在学校...只会 seh 英文。。。=.="
73.你的班級是: 初三:3A
74.你們教室在幾樓: 初三:底楼
Posted by 沁薇. at 9:02 PM 8 smilies = )
Thursday, December 11, 2008
对不起, 蜈蚣先生 =( T.T )=
今天, 又下雨了。。。这几天,我的心情,真得有点像天气。。一时晴朗,一时阴。。。这个假期,眼看,我的朋友,个个都有着不同的活动与游戏。。。本想,今年的假期,一定比去年,来的好玩。。没想到,还比去年遭透了。。。
昨晚睡觉时,还因为一只蜈蚣攻击,害得我又不敢捉,不敢睡。。。T.T * 臭姐啦! 说什么不用怕,要睡就睡,没有就守护着蜈蚣到天亮。。。。* 讲到酱大声,又不见得她帮我这妹捉掉它,好让大家都有个好觉睡。。。。我没胆,当然坐在床上,看着蜈蚣溜来溜去的 。。。死蜈蚣,酱多家不来,今天竟然来看我。。。 凌晨一点多了,那只蜈蚣竟然向我的床头攻击!!! 啊~心跳加速!! 怎么办!! 我的姐。。竟然睡着了! *猪头!*
拿起了支柱 (er..那时打扫用的。。。) ,向它的身体一压!AHHHHH!~ 真得不是很忍心。。。 很看那只蜈蚣在挣扎。。。我真的鸡皮疙瘩了。。。 手抖了抖。。。就这样,看着那只蜈蚣,从会溜来溜去,到身体被压,到挣扎。。。最后,血汁出了。。身体扁了, 它的头部分,还在挣扎着。。。 此时,我的心真得不好受。。
最后,我看它没什么力气了, 也担保了我的安全。。。我放开了柱子。。。才发现,我把它的身体都五马分尸了。。。我想 ,它死了。。此时此刻,心里也不时念上几句佛号 但愿它,投胎后,别再做只蜈蚣了。。。。我真得不是想杀它的。。。。*阿弥托佛。。。*
今早起床 ,姐还告诉了我妈,说我没捉到蜈蚣,坐在床头到三点。。。=.=" 我硬说不是,可我妈好像相信了我姐的话。。。* 臭姐!要不是我捉了蜈蚣,你能睡得像猪?! *
今天,真得没事做。。我姐刚出外走走了。。我还在家。。本想约[婆子] 出门。。不过。。唉。个个都忙到透顶。。。[婷]有事烦着,[斐]做工,[琪]去香港,[琬]不想出,[楚],[kryz]和[雯]不知道到哪头了。。。
算了,星期六能和班的几位同学走走。。。礼拜还有可能和[ joo] 他们去看流星^^ 我想,到时候没酱闷吧??
p/s : 假日太闷,开始想念在吉隆坡的姨,哥,弟和妹。。。
我要买帽子!!! 》
Posted by 沁薇. at 2:34 PM 18 smilies = )
Sunday, December 7, 2008
[cass]'s farewell party ^^
Counted today , is accurately 1 week aunt , lil sis n bro went to KL jor ...miss them so much...but i think they having great time at there luh...keep shopping...haha...well , i gonna miss my aunt 's cooking...1 week , i think i had eaten fast food over 3rd times... XD
today , sun shine at the morning , afternoon , strong wind n breeze..thunder loudly done..then , raining cats and dogs...=.= gosh! i lov raining but today i got to go out T.T mum sure dont allow jie fetch me go de...* my jie just knw how to drive....-no insurance le...haha...XD how now?? it had been planed such a long time..today , whole class gonna celebrate our very special = cass 's farewell party by the seaside....17th january , she is going to Aus n study....T.T * i gonna miss her ~*
luckily at last , i called my neighbour --[yi qin] fetch me there..abt 5.10pm we start our journey there...- although the party started at 5.00pm..haha..[woan] n i sit [yi qin] car go...when we gt thr, gosh?? still having lil rain..its ok...the place we BBQ having cover * thx to those who quickly rent a place that having cover ^^ well , they making fire , so [woan] n i having walk by the seaside...* this was my 1st time!!!! omg..tat is really nice ..although the sea is dirty =.="" and i bet , if my mum knw it , never goin to seaside again..haha..after tat , [fei] just came..
then , our classmates joined it after that , some of them taking off their shoes and slippers , running all the way , some of them wearing sport shoe...so just see it..well , i join it..haha..but i didnt take off my slippers =.="" anyway , those sands keep in my foot .make me mad though..XD
playing not long , we back to the place tat BBQ cuz moon gonna climb n one of my fren's parent scare dangerous..so call us back..well , i have to say , our class really love to eat..once back to the place..they start to move their food on the fire..*weird , the fire keep having 'pop' sound --it frighten some of them there...haha* seeing them rushing to get food n eat , i just sat aside...well , [yong xian] keep taking photo like wat his job when we having class trip...other than wat chicken wings , hot dogs..[yi qin] 's mum bake some tarts n brought there..it is pretty nice..[ying jie] brought some mee siam too....i didn't eat much..just sat there n having cold breeze touch my face...kinda good feel ^^ then , we went to [wan sin]'s granma's house and sign the black card...writing wishes n all those bla-bla-bla-s to [cass]..[wan sin] bought a pen n having [cassandra] this words on it..kinda nice!~ n the price......not bad too XD
after tat , [jun han] , [nick] , [kuang ming] ,[yong xian], [woan],[fei] and i walk out on the stones tat face out the sea..."tanjung" it called i think...pretty dangerous...somemore..[woan] so scare n keep holding my hand tightly..haha...we walk straight to the end and sit down...just 7 of us..if anything happen...haha!~o(-_0)o chatting after all...took a photo..scream...then back again ..haha...so lame =.=""
when back to the BBQ place, i thought they ate finish..mana tau..they still eating..haha...kinda good stomach yea!! ^^ about 7 nearly to 8 pm..it is almost dark n many mosquitoes drink my blood off T.T *itchy* there have many dogs too!!!! well..some of those nothing to do so throw those chicken wing's bones to them...i think, those dogs sure full jor XD after tat , [cass]'s mum n [yong xian] took group photo for us...kinda memorable....^^
8.30pm , the party was ended...while [woan],[fei],[yi qin] n i waitng for [yi qin]'s mum's car...all of us just sitting there n chit-chatting... then , i shake hand with [cass] before i went back..."good luck cass!! " i said..."no problem ! ^^" cass said..........................."DON'T WORRY..we will still meet.."cass said...*got shock!!* "cause PMR result out tat day...we will still meet each other! " ^^ ...wuaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!~ i almost forgot ..XD i thought this was the last meet arh , ah [cass]!! XD
p/s === Cass : I thank all my friends with all my heart to have organised such a splendid farewell party !!! great that everyone enjoyed it !!
《 today is pretty fun day..
kinda memorable too...
i get my first walk by the seaside..
getting the 0-distance frm the view of sea...
that is nice ^^
now i know, y ppl do love sea-view ^^
n my very special n good monitor...T.T
next time can't take 'pas' frm her jor..
anyway , i 'll miss her ^^
good luck [cass]!!
do remember 3A !~ ^^V 》
Posted by 沁薇. at 9:19 PM 4 smilies = )
Monday, December 1, 2008
一封没邮票的信, 写上了友谊的意义。。。
“生活愉快” 当成信封的标题
能坐在一起, 分享每天的心情。。。
一幕一幕 ; 一句一句
好朋友,我永远都不会忘记你 !
Posted by 沁薇. at 4:57 PM 5 smilies = )
Sunday, November 30, 2008
今天下午2.30pm, 我便出门到 malim 草场那里 meet [滢洁]。。。[洁]上个礼拜告诉我,今天有什么排球练习。。。排球?其实,我只碰过一次,记得上次上体育节时,就这么带过这粒小球子。。今天要我练习,恐怕真得蛮陌生。。。
迟了几分钟,匆忙的到那。。只见[巧盈]和[琳缘]在那了。。下车,[洁] 和[妙]也到咯。。。^^ 好,开始我们的练习。。我也开始得认识这粒球。。呵呵。。[琳缘]是我们的教练。。大概是我和[妙]的教练。。哈哈,因为[熊]和[洁]都会打了。。。 “ 把你的右手,放在着手上面。。。”[琳缘]开始教的,就是怎样传那粒球。。示范了一下。。蛮帅的。。。。XD
过后,[琳]便捉我来教教。。。把球传了给我,我用那手的姿势,打回过去。。一个字“痛”。。。看起来[琳]很容易打回去。。哈!被骗了。。。我的手都红了。。T.T 一直练。。。我的球都还是会打歪边。。一直到我打到[琳]满意,“好!”。。。我的魔鬼练习终于完毕。。。哈哈。。。然后,轮到[妙]的turn ...哈哈。。。我便和[洁]&[熊]围圆圈。。做什么。。练球啦!~ 可惜,我都很像吸收不到刚刚的教导。。哈哈。。[熊]打给我的球不是接不到,就是我不要接。。。失败。。。T.T
三点多的时候,烈日当空。。我们真得受不了。。所以便在大树下休息了下下。。聊了聊。。。谈着cass 的 farewell party..过后,又继续练习。。老实说,我的手真的痛得受不了了。。呵呵。。我相信[妙]的手也是同样。。因为能明显看得见是。。。红的! 练了练。。我还是一样,赶不上球。。气得[琳] 没话说。。XD *或许第一次是酱呢?? -安慰- * 练了练,大家玩着笑着。。真得蛮开心。。。汗流的恐怖。。可是,我们还是在乐中。。^^ 过后,我的手真的顶不顺了。。[琳]便叫我休息。。我便骑上[洁]的脚车玩玩。。好久没骑了。。。应该是说从学脚车的那时就没骑了。。今天能骑一骑。。真得很开心。。^^ 过后,大概四点多吧,我们便不练了。。。收拾后便向[熊]的家前进。。本来是想去她家的,没想到被她的狗吓到。。哈哈。。还是去公园玩吧。。。XD
一到公园,我和[妙]的第一目标便是。。。。。秋千!*是秋千还是千秋??* 坐上,看了看稳不稳,便向天空荡去。。。住在这taman 酱久,我还真的是第一次,坐上这个秋千/千秋 =.= 感觉是棒的。。。[洁]还在我被推了推,整个人真得很像飞向了天空。。。有点晕。。哈哈。。。XD 然后,我和[妙]又去玩跷跷板。。。呵呵。。真的是寻回小时的快乐。。。^^ 下一站,滑梯。。我穿白裤。。一滑下来,我的裤便脏了点,所以不玩了。。。XD 又骑回[洁]的脚车,绕taman... 边骑,风迎面吹来,真得很舒服。。。脑子真的很松。。。很静。。。
然后,[洁]和[妙],我和[琳]一队,玩跷跷板。。哈哈。。。一上一下。。。真的很激烈。。因为,我们很故意地使对方飞起来。。呵呵。。。五点了。。[琳]便回家 。。。。我,[洁]和[妙]便走回刚刚练球的地方。。。然后,回家。。。。
《今天,真的很快乐。。 *谢谢你们*
假期了酱久,我还真的才从屋子里跑出来。。。玩一玩。。。*够充实,够意义 XD*
Posted by 沁薇. at 9:03 PM 7 smilies = )
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
i m not belong to everything...
the sky is crying now...all the tears drop on the earth...up the house roof..on the leaves..flow together with the rivers..n finally..in the sea...
i love raining...it feelin fresh..freshen up my mind...all the nature...all the dirty things...yup..it does make clean n yet fresh..
the sound of the rain...up above the sky..frm the holes of clouds...pops! it drops! from millions distance...TAP! it hit on ur house roof..hahas..continuously...non-stops...nice......wat people say...they love rain...cause when u stand within the rain...nobody will notice u r crying..hahas..
almost 1 month + holidays since after pmr i had taken....all the days n nights...other than cleaning,doin houseworks stuff,online,compose song,playing piano,watch tv.............i think...nothing special for my activities...wat u r doin..i m sure i m doing now too...who can tell me wat can i do??
i wana go out..leave everything frm here everyday..get fresh air...hanging around with my friends..go for travel...knowing abt nature...learning wat i dunno..learning wat i like...helping those who needs my help...just....dun let me playing my own role....i hate being alone T.T
holidays..holidays..holidays....before holidays..i shouting the name for millions times! every seconds n hours...thinking about wat shud i do for my holidays...wat my plan..but now~ I DONT WISH TO HAVE MUCH HOLIDAYS ANYMORE T.T it is just let me wasting time...every day ..again n again...over n over....
my friends....go traveling...have their own stuff to busy...ha...so good...dont even have time to bother about me....
my family....ha...except of those houseworks....they just letting me playing my stuff....although i have no stuff to do =.=
i have no pet..if not! i m sure playing with it..XD
wanna play sports.....but no transport... T.T
i m just like..not belong to everything....everyone.....
i m just...no need for them....
i wanna leave...no matter goin anywhere....just let me have a role pls???
just like noone is remembering me...T.T
Posted by 沁薇. at 11:04 PM 8 smilies = )
Sunday, November 23, 2008
the Christmas's steppin
hahas..kinda long time i didn't update my blog ^^ sry guys.... XD hmm...actually many things happened but i just lazy to move my hand on the keyboard,typing all the way ..hahas..
well,yesterday , my aunt brought us to mahkota parade.For u ,i think it isn't a very happy thing..u knw,malacca just having a few shopping destinations. Dataran Pahlawan,Parkson,Jusco,Tesco =.= n..giant..let me think...hahas..may be have a few more...but yesterday,i having an excited feeling when went there,may be it had been pretty long time i had not been there...yup..kinda weeks.. when i reached there...WOOF.. isn't now still in November?? but..the mall seems like gettin the month of Santa...DECEMBER ^^ i really love this month so much! christmas christmas christmas^^
" Santa Claus is coming to town~~~" gosh! i like this song! rush to the main stage..not really crowded there..choir on the stage..singing all the way..a man playing a guitar..the music fills my soul ~ ^^ that's really lovely... my brain straight way full of christmas tree, hot chocolate,snow man,santa claus? presents...woof! how sweet XD { although i didn't even celebrate before..how good if i can have my christmas like wat others do..T.T } took some of their photos,i go on my way..all those decorations,really make me felt great! i saw many of the shops,selling the christmas stuffs .. before went back home , my bro brought a drink from starbuck..SIX of us share off 1 large drink..^^ it really having a christmas taste! it does ~ i m so happy with christmas..although i ain't a christian..not an english..but those don't mean that i cant celebrate lovely christmas right?? hope so...cause, i hav been spending my life for 15 years..not even once i get to celebrate...
this morning, 9.35am, my siblings n i woke up..rush to the tv ..turn it on..n pasted our butts on the chairs, eyes stared at the tv ...u knw wat show make us so excited?! yea...it is HOME ALONE! gosh~ from the first time i watch this movie,it really make me want to watch it over n over again....it has 4 episodes..this morning, i watched the HOME ALONE 2 : LOST IN NEW YORK.. u should see it! really...although this movie had been old since it was out in cinema at 1992....hahas...
the snow that having in the movie...gosh! really make me wanna get to there....how good if malaysia havin 4 seasons in a year..hahas...may be some those from others countries think tat be in malaysia can have a WARM N HOT christmas...but..for me,i think christmas...doesn't it have to be in winter?? those snow covered up ur house's roof....wear your lovely coat..having ur long n nice scarf on ur neck...wear your sheepskin or watever skin boot..have your pretty gloves on ur hands.....christmas tree in ur house..presents under it...woah! wat a great things..but if u wearing coat ,gloves,boot in malaysia n under the hot sun during christmas...hahas~ i think u really get wat u mean : WARM ^^
《really hope tat this year christmas,
i can have a lot of fun,with my beloved friends and family...
if really can't celebrate..
at least can countdown during christmas eve with my friends...
buying a lot of stuffs...receiving presents....
ohh! hot chocolate...chocolateS...COOkies~~~
doesn't it sound amazing??
but...it had been 15 years i wish for it...
when it come true?? 》HOME ALONE ......nice movie ^^


grew up..not bad though~ ^^

Posted by 沁薇. at 6:53 PM 9 smilies = )
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
今天一早,起床后,从妈口中,得知小猫已全被领去了。。心顿时松了。。。^^ 妈还说,猫妈妈衔着小猫是,累了又放,累了又放,真的好辛苦。。心里顿时觉得妈妈的伟大。。呵呵。。。^^
今天 ,我们家来个大清洗。地点:厨房。^^
p/s: 本人忙中取乐。。别怪。。。XD
弟!!! 别再滑了! XD
Posted by 沁薇. at 9:14 PM 5 smilies = )
Monday, November 17, 2008
今天,妈叫了后面的邻居,帮忙把屋顶上的小猫给拿下来。。。初初问时,那位马来女士,几乎不是很想帮个忙。。说真的,如果给与现今的社会,没钱,谁要帮忙呢?? 问了没多久,在窗后面看事的我,只见那位女士叫了他的儿子,出来帮个忙。。。妈喘了口气。。。
拿着小猫,那位孩子似乎有着成就感的感觉。。回了家,还不停告诉他的妈妈他怎么拯救。。哈哈。。可是,他并不想把它们给留下。。大概是他的家有六只小猫了吧?! 哈哈。。没啦。。那些小猫们还需要被哺乳。。。拿着小猫们,玩了玩。。那孩子似乎很得意。^^ 可是,还在屋顶上爬来爬去的猫妈妈,都没下来,取回孩子。。。那马来孩子,不停地拿着小猫,哄着大猫下来,可是。。它并没有。。
之后,我冲了凉,又到刚才的地方瞧了瞧那些宝宝们。。哈。。被六只猫围住了!但没有一只敢接近。。。我想,它们和我一样,想看个究竟。。呵呵。。。夜深了。。不知小猫们有被领回去吗?? 你们要撑下去啊!
p/s : 抱歉。图案显得小。。连只猫都看不到。。。XD
Posted by 沁薇. at 8:23 PM 3 smilies = )
Sunday, November 16, 2008
today's concert.....
today, MMRM music academy having a mini- concert..i m having so...
my bro n i,have to take part in this concert cuz we r this academy students...well..this was the 3rd semester..my bro n i juz having the 2nd time performance..
dunno y,this time i didnt really having a nervous feeling..i mean..not even once.although i m blur-ing with wat m i goin to perform.. n not even practice for it....
reach there..{tiara bouquet hall} 2.30pm..well...i have to say..many parents thr...but not the ppl who really buy those tickets n go n see it...all just becuz of their children...so they went thr for it...my mum , aunt, sis n oso my grandma..went thr too...errmm...to see my bro playing drum..my violin?? i think they hate violin sound especially my aunt n my mum == "aiyerr!! wat a 'chiky' sound is tat...yuckz~~~ stop it!!!" whenever i start to play my violin =.=""
the first performance...4 gals singing...didnt even nervous though =.= and.....so on ...lol....my bro having 3 songs while i having 6 songs to perform....first 2 songs..er....i have to say i didnt practice so i lost in the score....simply play it =.=" lucky nobody realize it....phew...like wat others say,drum + keyboard..guitar n many more....all the sound crowded..my violin sound just like an ant talking...cant even heard it... so...i play wrongly oso nobody know la...T.T haiz...
many parents having photos with their dearest children..once got up to the stage, they keep snap those photos up...lol!! i have to say...nobody really appreciate i had play...those who really come just becuz of their CHILDREN!!! say again..hahas... some gals singing....some malay ppl dancing =.= gosh.... those ppl who having their seat for RM5 really didnt even go n c it...wat i hate the most was...when someone is on the stage....down of the stage..those ppl who dont like to listen to it..or may be they hate noisy..pls...PLS! dun cover up ur ear..it really hurt those who r on the stage..they having so much heart..prepared for so long..n just let u to enjoy it..u just..using both hands..cover up ur ears...how unmanners?! n it really HURT!! omg..argggggg...so!!! i cant stand for it...u can just leave or watever..but dont do tat action! cover up ur ears...T.T
after some performances,we having 15 minutes rest for refreshment..eating noodles,pisang goreng {i hate this the most!!!! }..n some french fries..then,the show continue again...5.30 pm sharp, all my performances were done ...this performance..really suckx! wat i wan to say is...those who perform is just to done their job n responsibility...really dun have 1...even 1 !!!! r just having fullest heart to perform...introduce music to all of us...but oso cant blame oso...cuz noone is goin to appreciate it...haiz.....this concert...is just a responsibility....music is not like tat....isnt it?? music is..a life..wat ur feeling is play it through the intrument...tell those...tell those wat's ur feeling...instead of saying out or writing it...music..is for life...doesnt it?? i swear i m not goin to having this kind of concert again...NEVER~~~
《Today's performance can describe to 1 word = waste !
many ppl went thr to waste their time..those performances waste their times for preparing it..but noone is goin to listen for it...just wasted..haizz.. T.T
anyway,my bro have show off his drum solo n my dad eyes on it............on video =.="
my aunt n mum ..err...n oso my grandma =.=" oso viewed n keep praising about him ..nice job~
dont worry..they wont say him learning stuff is just a waste again...
wat about mine??
er....have ady stated...they dont like violin!@@#$@#$
so..i didnt get any supporters...none!
so hurt...heart bleeding....
may be..i should have to having habit about this feeling...haiz T.T
not goin to learn it anymore...wont practice ..n they wont say wat a noisy sound whenever i play again....it is hurt...t.T
Posted by 沁薇. at 11:21 PM 7 smilies = )
Saturday, November 15, 2008
yesterday -> today -> tomorrow
last night,[qi] n i keep think about today's blood donation...[qi] is goin to go thr without me n only wif 1 form 3 guy...i really want to help her n yet, this is my job..this program was form 3 task..but then..today,i really cant go for many reasons..no transport...n summore, my mum have to go to newton to open shop..who is goin to fetch me? who is goin to do those houseworks at home?? i told [qi],i said i can't go even though i really knw u r stress out...n tat is even not ur job only..is ours...i really want to help u ..dont u knw tat?? but then,i really cant! i gonna stay at home do works..i gonna helps my parent..u say ur mum can fetch me..but wat for? have transport but i cant leave though....den...i dun care about those works..u r my friend,i have to help u ..but then..who is goin to fetch me back?? another problems came out...this make me cant go for it..really....i cant lend u a hand even though i have a heart...i say sorry to u ..dunno...may be u r hate of me? may be u r stress out?? may be u think i m irresponsible?? i dunno...dun care...wat i had done..i ady do for it...finally..u didnt reply my msg... hurt.....may be u ady forget it cuz it had been over today..i think u can handle it .....but u still didnt reply my msg after 4 pm..even 6pm...10pm....dunno....i had stand at ur condition..think about how to help for u although i cant make it..but.u seems didnt stand at my condition..even think for it...u juz keep call me go n help u....i m freaking out too..dunno...dont care anymore...i swear i m goin to leave this ' P' ....! hope u wil understand me n understand wat for my condition...think for it...i dun wish our friendship just gone within this seconds....
last night..[tin] chat wif me...till 12pm ++ ...i think...this was the first time, [tin] said her thing to me..kinda feeling happy..at least have some friends trust me~ ^^ feeling kinda warmest burns within me though when chatting wif her..dunno y ^^ we chat on video call....type..n finally..we talk to the topic of our [po zis]...she wish we wont leave her 1 day...but i say..it is impossible...cuz after form 5..we r sure goin for our dreams,hopes ,our own direction n roads...she feeling cryin..droping tears...me too....those holidays times really keep us miles apart...T.T
this morning..after helping those works..i online..hahas..wat to do? chat wif [tin] again lorh..[tin] said she is goin for camp + travel for 12 days...omg?? so sienz....who is goin to chat wif me at the night for 12 days? anyway...i m gonna use those times n compose song? our [po zis] song...thx [wen] for the lyrics..hope i will get my way ^^ gonna miss tut [tin] for 12 days..miss [fei] though..goin camp + sabah....miss every [po zis!] wuwuwu T.T take care my lao poz who is goin for travelling...^^ miss u all wherever u all go XD
hmm....times run..times flow..times gone =.=" so fast..reach the time 6.00pm! rush to the main stage of jonker walk..have a practice wif [ying jie]..later had to have a performance..hahas...we didnt practice much for these days..till the last minutes juz practice n gt up to the stage in front of hundreds eyes?! goshHH! hahas..the first time we practice = 80 % ..second ime 90 % (keep walking on the jonker walk n see stuff + practicing xiang sheng XD)...then..we tired...practice more even worse...keep forget the words n every sentence..hahas!~ we sit down n practice again..hmm..better ^^V....8.00pm...show start...before getting up to the stage..both of us have a rushing practice again XD hahas..we even meet 杨老师。。our primary teacher ^^ {谢谢大家...各位朋友!大家晚上好...................................so on*} hahas....performance n competition really have a big differences within it...we really didnt get strong nervous feeling...a little bit sure have la..hahas......den...abt 8.25pm..we finish our performance...i mean ours only ^^ den..15 minutes waiting for transport n back (meet cayle summore ) ...at home eat supper n rush here to having blogging ..^^
p/s : hey..dun call me 'a ma' when meet me la XD...on the public leh T.T "
tomorrow having concert..gosh~i didnt even practice for it....wat m i goin to play on the stage oso i m blur-ing...^^ hahas...aiyo..by the times reach..i think i can handle it gua...^^V
good luck!!!!!
《rushing day...
busy life..
bustle city..
hustle life....
today finally finish my performance although tmrw having another round...
feeling relax a bit though...
wish tmrw i m having a good perform ...
but i didnt practice leh ~~ T.T
scare scare XD
GOOD LUCK for my bro n i
n TAKE CARE my friends who is goin for camp --[tin] ,[fei] n [zhou]
n MISS u guys n [po zis]!
have a nice day for u ~* ^^》
Posted by 沁薇. at 10:16 PM 1 smilies = )
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
该不该? 懊恼了。。。
是学习上遇到问题吗?? 还是。。老师的问题??
最后,我跟一位叫ronsome 的老师学习。。
他说。。他要我在明年考上grade 5 ...过了明年。。。他要我考上grade 8...也就是毕业了。。。
Posted by 沁薇. at 8:19 PM 7 smilies = )
Saturday, November 8, 2008
今天,八时正起床。。阿姨便赶着载我去 st. francis ..在车上一边温习过钢琴的东西。。心情突然变得很紧张。。功夫是做得七七八八了。。可是。。。我还是镇定不起来。姨去了tesco 赶着买了鸡肉,鸡蛋等。。便冲忙得载我到那儿。。她还买了个面包。。叫我填饱肚子,可是当时的我根本连一粒米都吞不下,没心情吧。。可是姨的关心,以足够把不知名的温暖填饱了我的空肚子。。^^
九时零五分,我到了那学校。。雨下得很大。。再加上我紧张的心情,我开始发抖了。风雨不停得碰落在我的脸上,我还真得快冷痹了。。。XD 我到时,只见[june],[yi xian] 和 [yu lin] 也跟着到。。得知老师在楼梯口等我们时。。我们便往那儿去。。。见了老师。。姨便跟我说;“加油! 一切顺利!”。。莫名的温暖祝福。。。我向姨说了:“谢谢。。。”。。上了楼。。进了考场。。只见[cyndi ],[lai ting],[wei ting] 和[natalie] 已坐在各自的位子上。。老师跟我们找了位子。。确定名字。。。留了一声:“ all the best! ”,然后离开了(因为老师等下有课)。。我们都露出了微笑。。考场上,人不多。。刚刚好。。。只见有位老师。。很拼命地在最后几分钟。。教完她想传达的,给她的学生。。我们这八位。。连动都不想动那些资料了。。哈哈。。。[yu lin]还轻松的拿起条巧克力棒来吃。。“我还没吃早餐。。”她说道。。。把我和[cyndi]给气爆了。。呵呵~
{Grade 2,Grade 3 , Grade 4 ,Grade 5 & Grade 6} 一同在一个屋檐下考试。。黑板上,写着不同级的考试时间。。我们(Grade 6)总共拥有三个小时来完成我们的试卷。。。九时半,开始做答。。。天啊!~figure bass超难的。。跟往年的来比。。根本就是一个字。。“难!”。。这边exposed..那边consecotieve ..另一边又7th note 去不到tonic ..T.T Interval...什么是augmented 1st?? 什么key有F#,C#,D#和 A#??!唔唔唔唔唔~~~~这次真的完蛋了。。。。没有 fail 已经可以偷笑。。。XD 唉。。。本来以为两个小时就可以跑人。。哪里知道,三个小时都好像太快。。。怎么办?? 看着我朋友们。。一个个。。都好像停在figured bass...傻眼了。。呵呵。。。[yi xian]是第一位考G.6 的做完。。十一时多。。她就走人了。。哈哈。。。我??足足用了两小时五十五分钟。。哈哈。。12.25pm ,我才交考卷。。T.T 走出考场。。雨已停了。。(大概是我做到一半就停了吧 =。=) 清新的空气。。。考完了试的感觉。。应该是好的。。可是。。我的脑袋。。不停的浮现出音符。。好像我的2 parts harmony 很多错。。。22 分。。完蛋了 T.T
我下了楼。。和[natalie]&[lai ting] 去回刚才进学校的门口。。只见[cyndi]坐车走人了。。。想说声bye bye都来不及。。。看了她。。挥了手。。我们就分了。。最后。。剩下[yu lin]和我。。等车子。。。我们聊啊聊。。发现[yulin]很可爱。。哈哈。。她还说她长大要当什么什么师的。。忘了那个名。。哈哈。。。有目标。。赞!^^ 过后,我的车子到了。。剩下她一个人。。可怜。。XD 不知她几点回呢?? 上了车,姨边带我和姐弟妹去gai gai ^^ 很像考完pmr 酱 =.="
今天考完了钢琴考试,我和那七位朋友几时再能见面?? 老师没再加什么复习班了。。。我也好像放假了。。。还记得每次老师说下一班在几时几时的晚上几点时。。我总会跟老师讨价还价。。。因为没车能在我去。。哈哈。。可是。。每次都大概是我输的。。 因为[cyndi]住jasin ..要来klebang超远的。。
其实。。每次在跟老师说我不能来时,我都很失望。。也许是因为不能和这几位小瓜们见面。。。 老师每次心情都不好的。。。大概是我们做figured bass,讨论。。要花上几个小时。。。每次被老师骂,被老师讲。。可是。。。我们都很快乐。。^^ 每一课,我们都得上两个小时半或三个小时,可是。。我们都不觉得累或闷。。因为我们在学的是音乐。。。还记得有一次是礼拜天,我们很早就到老师的家做复习。。。从九点到十二点半。。。老师还请我们喝汽水。。哈哈。。开心!开心的,并不是那杯汽水。。而是再凶的老师,也会关心我们的。。。三个小时半?? 有时我们说很长。。其实。。。过得很快。。。我们每个心底。。都希望能在长点。。听老师教课。。我们相处的时间。。会更久。。玩的时间会更长。。。快乐的时间。。会更慢。。。
老师的脾气。。真得很不好。。。可是我们这几位小瓜。。都顶的顺。。哈哈。。[yi xian]--老师都叫她"mong cha",因为她每次都忘记课。。在家睡觉。。。 其实。。她很聪明的。。。[june]很乖。。从来不多讲。。漂亮的她。。超厉害跳芭蕾的。。。[natalie] ? 老师说。。她很blur....哈哈。。跟我同校但比我小一岁的她。。其实很可爱精灵的。。。[cyndi]? 哈哈。。坐在我旁边。。每次老师讲,她在下面按电话。。sms...有时,我们都以写的方式交谈。。哈哈。。。好玩! [wei ting]...读培风的她,每次都听他说很累。。考完试。。她还得回学校。。XD...[yu lin]...err...不懂怎样形容他。。她很可爱。。有时blurblur...讲话很cute! 也很废。。哈哈。。。是个开心果。。。[lai ting]...我觉得在我们之中。。她最真经吧??每次把功课都做得井井有条的。。哈哈。。赞!一个礼拜。。我们每次都大概上两堂课。。相处的时间不多。。可是。。看着她们每次老师在讲或骂。。我们这几个一起摆出的眼神。。都很搞笑。。害我每次在老师面前。。。都必须逼着不笑。。哈哈。。。
跟她们相处的日子是快乐的。。真得很怀念。。。不知明年。。我们能考上 Grade 7...在一次面对战场? 还是。。我们就此无法见面了??复习班是辛苦的。。可是。。我们都以欢乐。。把它给上完了。。真得很怀念。。很怀念。。
除了[cyndi]...其他小瓜一定要在考practical 考到好成绩哦!
[cyndi ]...好好读书!读完form 6!!!
Posted by 沁薇. at 8:43 PM 0 smilies = )
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
好像有很多东东要做。。可是又懒惰去做。。什么鬼吗?? =.=
有时,还真得蛮怀念pmr 的日子。。虽然每天埋头苦读。。可是总算把烦恼都抛得远远的。。[欣茹]说的。哈哈。。。我赞成!
------斯文 (不骂脏话! )
--------要有音乐细胞。。。~~^^ (最好会弹钢琴给我听。。还是拉小提琴。。。吉他。。。口琴。。我不要锣鼓的!!!! XD)
-----------------很干净!!! (不一定要皮肤白皙。。但总算要整洁。。头发有梳。。)
啊~~世上哪里找啊?? 西方国家大概有很多吧。。哈哈。。我幼稚到。。。。。=。= 嗯。。真得蛮希望改天我升学到西方国家。。像。。。英国?? XD
Posted by 沁薇. at 10:17 PM 7 smilies = )
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
the last day to school..
today..i think it is the last day for me n [po zis] to go to school...
gosh..so sad..we can't meet everyday as last time but [zhou] and [kryz] didnt attend for the last day some more.....T.T
actually this day should happen on this thrusday...who knw the thrusday trip which is goin to pusat serinti had canceled...so..haiz...
today...6 of the [po zis] went to stamford college malacca...the english language centre
at first..we thought we r sure having a nice n memorable trip..
but...after climbing the college floors by floors...we ady knw tat this college is poor enough =.=
we r having visit ok?! how come we dont use any lift n yet..climbing those stairs ..
anyway..we still didnt give up hope..may be inside the college have many handsome guys n pretty gals?hahas..so...we rush up to the college...pass by many classes...hmm..hav pretty gals la..guys?? i think nop T.T ...
the first place we went was i think like a bilik media...the first feeling when i gt in is..........IT IS SMELLY...omg! how come?? this is a college...but..haizz.....i m sure i m not goin to study in this college..poor n bad XD ....the teacher thr...teacher irish (her name) i think..speak english very well...she told us how to use english easily...but at last...she told us 3 words only...READ , WRITE , SPEAK =.=
this is wat she meant easy T.T
besides her...miss lim and mr.frankie were the teachers who brought us in stamford today...after saying a lot of words..bla bla bla.....mr. frankie showed us some movie making..sum website making things..he did show off his video making..."spantans"..hmm...kinda good...but he is not goin to teach us at least we r goin to pay for RM100 =.= hahas...
after tat..we have some eat n rest...then..we went in a room n play a LAME game =.= teacher irish call us to divide into groups with 5 or 6 persons..then..she gave us some papers with pictures n words n each group will have an item =.= she was goin to call us making a story..then..act n read in front of everyone~~~ omg!!! such a lame "GAME"....
[wen] with [ah jian] ,[jieyu] n 3 malay boys..while 5 of the [po zis]- [qi],[tin],[fei],[woan] n i r a group...gosh~ once we gt the item (flag)..we really mind blanked =.= ...wat to do to make a story in front of everyone ...well...30 minuites were given..better quick.......
think...write...think....gosh...found tat all of us really lack of ideas...we did make a story with a lot a wrong grammers i think...
"This is a story about a boy who named JOHN .He was born after a year his parents married.He is an active boy and full of energy.John spent most of his times in playing football n cycling.John very interested in sports however,he cannot study well no matter how much efforts he put in his studies.He still get bad results although he reads books everyday. His parents realize tat John can't handle studies so they sent him to sport school.After many years John is being trained,he found tat he had potential in running.He represented our country n took part in a running race.He won the champion and raise jalur gemilang" ...
don't gt shock..this 30 minutes...we did this kind of essay out with 5 person's brains =.="
omg! the most siah sui things is....we r the last group to pass up ...after tat,all of us start to argue who to be the one who read this script out...[qi] n i keep argue..i say i can't pronounce well...[qi] say she n i r the same...[fei] n [woan] don't dare..[tin]??! she lost her voice =.= hahas...
the nervous times came...OMG! all of us have to go out ..1 read n others goin to act...at tat time..[qi] n [i] argue again =.=" "i wan to read" i said..."nonono...i read..." qi said ....at last..[qi] wan to read...then i say i wan to act the simplest..be john's parents when married..[fei] n [tin] said they want this characters..so i have no idea..[woan] n i start to look at each others...gosh! [woan] say she wan to be the 1 who raise up the jalur gemilang (flag)..how she can think tat =.= gosh.jialat~ i m sure to be the main character...JOHN!!! i dun wan!!!!!!! T.T hahas..but when the turn of our group came..[qi] read...n all of us just stood at thr like a wood =.= gt shy man! SIAH SUI!!! ....luckily times run fast n we gt our seats back..hahas...
hmm...many groups act shy too...except [siah shin],[cass],[mei qi],[angie],[pei lin] and [lin yuan]'s group...they really gt many expressions in their script..especially [siah shin]..she is really a good actor..hahas~~~ wat summore?? they gt the first n prize(a stamford's pen) == ..their brains r good enough^^
after a short tour at the college...we took photos n back to school..on the way,[tin],[fei] n [wen] stop at the ong kim wee...while [qi],[woan] n i back to school...we chat for sumtimes...abt 1.00pm, ying jie n i went for the practice of 相声..we practice for 3 times...we gt memories it ^^ ..don't gt shock..cuz this script we had been memories it for competition..tats y we can handle it easily ^^V...abt 1.30pm...my mum took me home...she said she dun wan to wait for me until 2.00pm =.= luckily thr is no teacher..if not..i really kena..hahas...
today is a fun day n yet a lame day...
for stamford college...i really left a siah sui memories in it...
today rain at evening...how nice..i love rain^^
《today is the last day for me to go to school..i think so..
can't meet friends...
too much holidays let me crazy..
i want my life back T.T
i enjoy study life better
although homeworks here n there...
but there is no break time for our friendships to share out our topics ^^》
Posted by 沁薇. at 9:37 PM 0 smilies = )