today , i went out with my lovely friends [cass , pei lin , siok , low ,miaw, yong xian and eddryll]..actually , it might be more friends , but i am late..ishh! 2pm , but i came 4pm =.=" *transport problem again*
on the way , traffic jam jam jam...gosh! how come??pc fair?? anyway , i brought myself to dataran at 'igloo' shop walking all alone..quite scary 0.o reach there,*actually , i dont knw where is the shop is , luckily [low] shouted my name..haha...*, saw all of them except [cass n siok]...seeing all of them eating ice-cream , i guess they r hungry ..haha...then , [yong xian n eddryll] brought me to buy bags...actually , that was [yong xian]'s promise...but how dare i take a free bag frm a person ??somemore , there is no need for him to buy for me since i m just joking...but then , i went along..gosh~ haha..they brought me to a shop that i guess it earlier...hmm...not really i like though..but tat [yong xian] keep forcing me in front of tat shop..really make the workers thought that we are sort of crazy..haha.."i want addidas" that is the words that i can let him get away frm forcing me buying bags..haha* addidas's bag exp la* so , we back to 'igloo' n went with them n by the time , [cass n siok] was there...
we made our way to cinema at carrefour..1 floor by 1 floor...n tat [yong xian] keep seeing those shops selling bags~haha...* serious huh??* n before the floor of cinema , he saw one! gosh =.=" same type of bags like just now ...we went to cinema , took tickets , took photos...gossip~~~ and it just 4.35pm ( the movie started at 5.10pm) we went down n have some shopping...sure for that , that [yong xian] pulled me in the shop tat he saw just now 0.0 well..i went in..really see it seriously...but really dont have the one i really i m out..but then , he still force n force ..and at last! one of the worker in the shop thought we pai-seh buying bags n clothes..she went to my face n say 'dont pai-seh la..let's see some clothes here '...GOSH! ...[yong xian] added somemore.."nonono~ she wanna buy bags ^^" ....-.-!!...really make me embarrassed enough T.T i swear i m not going to step in the shop ever XD
5.00pm, its the time n we find our seats in cinema ...[low] n [yong xian] fighting for seats somemore..haha..we watched -TWILIGHT-...OMG! this is the perfect movie ever !!!! how i wish the edward is mine..haha...i boy can better than edward (i mean in the movie )..he is so to say....he is really care for his loves one...althought he is a vampire (good vampire)..haha....well, Bella is the pretty character in the movie ! sweet..n lovely....*awwwww * n she is lucky that she found her loves one..*althought is a vampire* but a good vampire ...that can protect her whole is really blind , powerful n yet wonderful...what i wanna say is..if u not yet catch this movie..u better get it now~ if not , u should regret for it ..haha*seriously*...
2 hours for this almost dark out there...[yong xian n eddryll] backed n i follow the rest of them..before going for dinner..i met a friend..i guess..she looking at me with an werid eyes n me either..i keep thinking of who she is...i guess she was too...then i just realize that she is my dancing friend...hope to meet u again..i suppose to say it next time..haha..^^ we went down floors by floors...n looking for delicious food...ha..they stop at mc'donald..i think this is the delicious for everyone *bala ba ba ba, i m loving it ^^* i didn't eat ..cause i m going..about 8.15pm something , i left n went to mp , bought breads n back newton to have dinner...
《today is kinda relaxing day..
since i going out to catch some air..haha..
well , twilight !yes!!! i wait to watch this movie pretty long time..
u should watch it..seriously!~
n thanks to my friends who accompany me hanging out today ..
fun one ^^
n the bags promise..haha...
i really don't like bags actually..
i suppose i have another present for my christmas ^^》
" When you can live forever?
What do you live for? "
3 years ago
23 smilies = ):
really nice!
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u watch it too..............................
im lovin it...haha
i love it 2~
mewie ~
yea! i love it so much!~ last night back home , my brain still having the scene in the movie ~i think i will never forget this movie XD
yiwoan ~
yea yea!!!
so nice man!!!
*thumbs up for this movie
** i fall in love with Bella...and also Edward...haha XD
mhprince ~
ya lo...
so worth with that rm9...
i think we really crazy for this movie after watched it..haha
Haha, yup. N i wan to watch it again!! >"< Mayb will buy its cd, hehe.
live for YOU laaa~
mhprince ~ again??! either.. nice de movie..
everybody oso want to watch it again la...XD
nightchrist ~
so gan dong XD
haha!!!my sis oso wan to watch...maybe will buy cd lo...wakaka! im reading d book...
is the book nice?
mew ,can i borrow it when u finish it??
err.....i think i should watch it too.....haven watch,i heard many gud comments on dis movie ~
u really should watch u asap man!
this movie is freaking nice~
asap man?
asap - as soon as possible...
'man ' i add for extra actually..haha
like dat oso can be shortcut form!!!!! (!!-_-)
but actually they really write 'asap'..
i find it from web n learn it de..XD
haha~~~d book pretty nice...ok...i can borrow u...but low n peilin ask first book hor...d like 'kiam cai' ==
watch it asap asap asap!!!!
haha.. problem...
after they read then i just read it..
kiam chai??
haha..wont gua..XD
ya! watch it asap asap asap ! ^^
suddenly i saw many black soots n smokes......(!!-_-)
asap = smoke~
haha~~~i tink before u read it ady becum kiam cai...haha!!!
coz i keep bringing with me everywhere i go...==
u keep check those words in it??
don't u?
did u write down?? XD
cuz too old dunno wat it means too...XD
sure gt write down...if not next time i wan to rd hav to check again...=.="
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