It is about that day , 15th May...this is the japanese girl. lovely her , named Akane =]
when i was home , my family did this just for me =)
I sincerely thanks to everyone of you.. love you guys ~!
Thanks [yee]. Your :everlasting: diary really touched my heart a lot.
The photos inside weren't that much .
But i know we can catch more in the future, right?
I promise i will write every single puzzle in it.
Hope we can collect more for the coming days. love you ^^
Nah.. here is where i got my last suprise before clock striked at 12am.
My sister brought in this big box and this box was from [mui].
[mui] said she did this for about 10 days and was done everyday after 12am.
Thanks a lot [mui].
The every small and cutty photos inside told me how much we had been gone through together.
Either both of us taking part in choir competition , or [jie] taking part in any competition , you also give me a pillar of strength and supports.
I knew this box wasted you a lot of times and energy , and of course money. I knew i will never get and give such suprise and precious present . This box really that meaningful to me. Thanks again. Love you =)
p/s: my sister snapped this without my is the box ...
i don't even know how to open it at first ...=.="
shock of my life...
i love this!
she hid all these small notes secretly and i found them so hard ...
Finally , want to thanks to [fei] for the little bookmark. It tastes like christmas one.. I love it =)
and also thanks to [ying jie] for the honey do's and [song chiew] for the drawing which get the inspiration from my name , 沁薇 >> 《轻微》.
I love them very very very much ^^
oh yeah , thanks to [jie] and [GAP - vincent ] too..haha..
i love the Roxy wallet. muackz!!
last but not least..
thanks [qi] for doing this when we were studying sejarah...* i knew we were not =.="*i can't say out how much love it.
it is undescribable...
Muackz!!! ^^ love you , [qi]~~
i have billion of words to say.
but i know two words can summaries them up.
"Thank you." =]
p.s.:: Eunice , i saw your blog. thanks for the wishes . love you buddy.. cheer~~`` =)
3 years ago
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疯小孩 :
Happy Birthday \^^/
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