Saturday, January 17, 2009

the torturing life

well , it had been good days , i had not been updated my blog here...because of the torturing life..hustle and bustle life....essay , mt , add mt,novel, 5 nilams for next week..everyday, just having much and much,more and more homeworks taking more playing times , no more blogging times...not even wanna chat nor talk...cause of the tiring...i wish not waste lots of my energy 0.o

haiz..the days just start off ...that those what i really really harder than that really i wish to take many times of form 3 periods but not even one of the form 4's...but people need to works , just get up my efforts...

these days,i take kinda long nap after school...last time , i dont even need any nap or rest..and i can still play till the late of night..but now..the sleeping time just like the basic unit in my sleep..i just like no more energy to continue my life T.T stupid homeworks!

cannot understand,misunderstand , misunderstood were what teacher told us...u cant concentrate every single words in class..just like u had been lost..and it really hard to catch 'em up...well..i agreed..even u read by urself , u might not understand..if u understand..may be u might misunderstand and yet misunderstood =.=" it is really hard..whenever i talked with my friends for just a second...when i listen to the class back..i have just need to ask "what teacher said har??" ish....thats why...i have to lost many energy in class ..poor thing * T.t somemore , that day 15th january...all of my family went out and have dinner to celebrate my mother's lovely birthday..because of the homeworks..and 5 babs of novel need to read..i have just rejected to go out with them...T.T tears really needa drops ..wuwuwuwWUWUWU....

《form 4 life is tough for me at this moment..
hope everythings will just save and sounds after chinese new year..
torturing life...please go go away !!
i wanna have a good sleep~~~》

p/s: my kai sibling just call me not to choose stress the 1 i can choose? but...when u think that u are stress...u are just choosing no stress in my life , and keep it perfectly done ..^^

4 smilies = ):

远尘 said...

erm.. form 4 life.. really quite torturing..
but believe me, u will find form 4 the most memorable year in your secondary school life, you gonna have lots of memories in form 4, all sort of memories, sweet, bitter, sour..
although form 4 life is a little bit busy, just enjoy it, ya.. just as what u have written, let no stress in life^^
when you are in form 5, then only you know, form 4 is really a honeymoon year.. u will sure regret for not enjoying the form 4 life.. haha.. just like me..
anyway.. wish u happy always^^

沁薇. said...

really ?
but now..form 4 really give a picture of stress in my mind T.t =.="
anyway , thx ya ^^

nightchrist said...

so pity lar~~

疯小孩 said...

grandma....dun cry.....wait u bcom older.....kaka.